Holy Fathers at the First Ecumenical Council


Inspiration for this project came from a post over at r/TrueChristian, that listed Scripture passages for each line of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed. Later on, reading through George Faber's The Apostolicity of Trinitarianism, the idea came up in my mind to add quotes from Pre-Nicene Fathers and other early Church writings.

It is a popular assumption in certain circles that the major doctrines of Christianity mentioned in the Nicene Creed - such as the Trinity, "catholic church", resurrection of the dead, etc. - were all innovations of the fourth century. When analyzed in context of early Christian writings composed before the fourth century, such fringe axioms are understood to be baseless and inaccurate.

This site will hopefully be helpful and informative for many, particularly those who are interested in early Christian history and theology. One feature that can be missed is that you can just click on a line of the Creed found in the homepage and it will lead you to the relevant section, instead of scrolling all the way down manually.

In Bibliography, you can find editions and translations of Fathers, and monographs and journal articles related to the quotations and their sources. In Appendix (upcoming), I will list many pre-fourth-century creeds, rules of faith, and symbols, along with the Greek of both the original Nicene and the later Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed. Don't forget to check them out!